Success Unfiltered Podcast


Coffee Is For Closers* [#coffeeisforclosers] is to help you, the entrepreneur solve your sales problems and learn my strategies to ultimately help you help more people and grow your revenues.

Join me live for practical tools that you can use NOW!

This is your weekly virtual coffee shop, your inner circle where you can bring all your questions however niche, embarrassing, or “keeping it real”! It’s been proven people get more sh^t done when they partner up & are held accountable. I’ll show up weekly with killer sales content if you show up with your questions & intentions to act.

*Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992

Episode 42 Live Show: Why People May Fear Success

Episode 42 Live Show: Why People May Fear Success

Are you terrified to get everything you ever wanted in your business? Sounds like a ridiculous question, I know. But not too long ago, I had a client who answered it for me. And I realized that what she was dealing with was an under-the-radar issue for countless...

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Episode 39 Live Show: Stop Talking Yourself Out of Sales

Episode 39 Live Show: Stop Talking Yourself Out of Sales

I had a major realization about FEAR in sales the other day, and was an eye-opening a-ha moment for me. What happened? I saw the most common of entrepreneurial fears in a whole new way... Last week, I was teaching at a live event and sharing the finer points of The...

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Episode 38 Live Show: When Not To Qualify Leads

Episode 38 Live Show: When Not To Qualify Leads

Here’s something that may (or may not) shock you. Ready? Not all leads should become clients. Just because there’s interest doesn’t mean someone is right for you. And with some prospects, you just KNOW from the jump that they’re not a fit. You might remember a pair of...

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Episode 37 Live Show: Qualifying Leads with Donald Kelly

Episode 37 Live Show: Qualifying Leads with Donald Kelly

My friend and colleague Donald C. Kelly had a moment a while back where he was SURE that a deal was in the bag. The prospect had a need. Donald’s company had the solution. He knew that the client had the money, and that they were more than ready to sign on the dotted...

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Episode 36 Live Show: Your Tutorial on Qualifying Leads

Episode 36 Live Show: Your Tutorial on Qualifying Leads

It happens to the best of us. That prospect you’re on the phone with has ALL the warning signs. Your gut is telling you to get off the call NOW before you get in over your head. But instead of graciously backing out, you make that client an offer. I was talking to a...

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