Success Unfiltered Podcast


Coffee Is For Closers* [#coffeeisforclosers] is to help you, the entrepreneur solve your sales problems and learn my strategies to ultimately help you help more people and grow your revenues.

Join me live for practical tools that you can use NOW!

This is your weekly virtual coffee shop, your inner circle where you can bring all your questions however niche, embarrassing, or “keeping it real”! It’s been proven people get more sh^t done when they partner up & are held accountable. I’ll show up weekly with killer sales content if you show up with your questions & intentions to act.

*Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992

Episode 32 Live Show: Your Big Why

Episode 32 Live Show: Your Big Why

It was just under a year ago that my last business crashed to the ground. Little did I know what a blessing in disguise that was. I started my last business, FITzee Foods, with a strong mission and a ton of ambition. I was on a crusade for a healthy planet, and my...

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Episode 31 Live Show: The Entrepreneurial Sales Mindset

Episode 31 Live Show: The Entrepreneurial Sales Mindset

You know those voices in your head? They just might be lying to you. That’s what my friend and colleague, Master Sales Strategist Shameca Tankerson, found out the hard way. She’d just been through every entrepreneur’s worst nightmare, the collapse of her business, and...

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Episode 30 Live Show: How to Keep Your Credibility

Episode 30 Live Show: How to Keep Your Credibility

Sometimes telling a client NO is necessary to ultimately grow your bottom line, no matter how much you think you need to fill your roster. A few weeks ago, I was helping one of my clients sell a tax plan she created for a prospect. She found a plan that had the...

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Episode 29 Live Show: Real Objections vs BS Objections

Episode 29 Live Show: Real Objections vs BS Objections

My new prospect and I had established a relationship and a great rapport. He seemed perfect for the program I was helping him enroll in. All he could talk about was how excited he was to get started, how he’d always wanted to start his own business, and how he’d see...

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Episode 28 Live Show: How to Deal with Uncertain Clients

Episode 28 Live Show: How to Deal with Uncertain Clients

Not too long ago, I had to say NO to a potentially huge client. And I can’t say I regret it for a moment. I’d been talking to a couple of guys who seemed to have a good thing going in their business. Good, that is, to the tune of nearly one MILLION dollars in revenue....

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Episode 23 Live Show: Taking Risks in Sales

Episode 23 Live Show: Taking Risks in Sales

How do you feel when you hear the word “risk”? It might feel exhilarating. Then again, maybe it feels more like a punch in the gut. Maybe it’s equal parts excitement and terror, especially when it comes to your business. Maybe it’s like what I did this past weekend,...

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