Success Unfiltered Podcast


Coffee Is For Closers* [#coffeeisforclosers] is to help you, the entrepreneur solve your sales problems and learn my strategies to ultimately help you help more people and grow your revenues.

Join me live for practical tools that you can use NOW!

This is your weekly virtual coffee shop, your inner circle where you can bring all your questions however niche, embarrassing, or “keeping it real”! It’s been proven people get more sh^t done when they partner up & are held accountable. I’ll show up weekly with killer sales content if you show up with your questions & intentions to act.

*Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992

Episode 22 Live Show: Guesting to Grow Your Audience

Episode 22 Live Show: Guesting to Grow Your Audience

There’s a secret way that you can build your audience, share your message, and ultimately help more people. It’s easy, fast, and it doesn’t cost a thing. There’s no expensive ads or complicated sales funnels involved. All you have to do is share the love! This is...

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Episode 21 Live Show: 4 Reasons You’re Not Getting the Sale

Episode 21 Live Show: 4 Reasons You’re Not Getting the Sale

You’ve done everything you think you “should” be doing to make the sale. You’ve invested in ads. You’re having sales conversations. You’re posting in Facebook groups and doing everything the experts tell you to do. But still, your sales have flatlined. And you need to...

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Episode 20 Live Show: Your Follow Up System

Episode 20 Live Show: Your Follow Up System

We all want to make more sales. And there’s one little trick I could mention that’ll help you do JUST that. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s probably staring you right in the face...but if you’re like most salespeople and entrepreneurs, you’re not doing it. I’m talking...

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Episode 19 Live Show: Finding Your Ideal Client

Episode 19 Live Show: Finding Your Ideal Client

You love what you do. You’re amazing at it. And you want to help as many people as possible and make a BIG impact. Seems like a honorable thing, right? But sometimes, the harder you try help everybody, the more you wind up helping nobody. Why does this happen? Chances...

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Episode 18 Live Show: The Tutorial on Free Content

Episode 18 Live Show: The Tutorial on Free Content

It’s one of those eternal questions in the business world. How much of your content should you give away for free? Is it even worth your time and effort to create and share something if you’re not going to sell it? Most of all, you have to wonder...why would anyone...

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Episode 17 Live Show: How To Reject a Potential Client

Episode 17 Live Show: How To Reject a Potential Client

You probably know what it’s like to be turned down by a client. It happens to us all in the business world. But did you know that when it comes to sales, the NO can go both ways? Here’s the deal: sales is all about relationships. Just like any other relationship, if...

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Episode 16 Live Show: How to Not Fear Rejection

Episode 16 Live Show: How to Not Fear Rejection

Rejections. Objections. The NO. We’ve talked a LOT this month about the not-so-fun parts of being an entrepreneur, and with good reason. Being passed over for the sale is just part of life in business. It happens to the best of us, and the more you practice dealing...

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Episode 15 Live Show: Overcoming Objections

Episode 15 Live Show: Overcoming Objections

We’ve all been down the road of rejection. But what happens when the customer doesn’t give you an outright NO but instead gets extra nit-picky about the details of your offer? In other words, they hit you with specific objections instead of a lights-out rejection?...

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Episode 14 Live Show: Getting Over Your No’s

Episode 14 Live Show: Getting Over Your No’s

This month, Coffee Is For Closers has been ALL about rejection. That stinging moment when you get the big N-O is not the most pleasant aspect of being an entrepreneur...but does it have to be so scary? And for that matter, if a door slams in your face, is it a gift?...

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