Success Unfiltered Podcast

Did you know that FITzee Foods was previously sold in The Vitamin Shoppe? It’s true!

This didn’t just happen, though. I didn’t just call The Vitamin Shoppe one day and ask if they’d sell my fresh prepared foods in their store. NO way!! They likely would have laughed in my face.

The number one reason my food made it into The Vitamin Shoppe was because I believed in the products I sold. That confidence in my products helped me when I was at a trade show and bumped into Michael, my champion from The Vitamin Shoppe.

Michael and I hit it off, and I worked hard to build a solid business relationship with him. I knew that my products could help take their store in a different direction and fulfill on a vision the executive team had for the brand — direction that their competitors hadn’t yet gone in.

Once we made it into The Vitamin Shoppe, and the executives were so pleased with Michael for bringing in an ideal company that had products that aligned with them, he was able to take full credit for his work.

It was a success for me, for Michael, and of course for The Vitamin Shoppe.

That’s a super condensed version of my story, but within that story, 3 different sales techniques were used. Techniques that I’ve taught over the past 52 weeks of Coffee Is For Closers episodes.

With that said, Happy birthday to Coffee Is For Closers!!

Can you believe it? We’ve made it through 52 weeks of INCREDIBLE content that will help you grow your businesses so you can live a life of abundance without ever having to do a day of selling and without being sleazy or pushy.

In this past week’s episode, I reviewed my favorite tips and secrets from the past 52 weeks, and it was good!

If you’re through with fearing sales, or not asking for what you’re worth, then this episode of Coffee Is For Closers is a MUST WATCH! Check it out HERE:

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In this blog post I’m sharing my top 7 sales and mindset tips, to help you improve your sales process and bring in those dream clients! Read it HERE!

In the next couple weeks you’ll begin seeing episodes of our new show, “The Abundant Accountant” hit our Facebook Page. Need a weekly reminder so you don’t miss the new news & shows? Sign up right HERE and get notified when we go LIVE!

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