Success Unfiltered Podcast

know your worth

Do you know your worth? More importantly, how do you show your clients the value that you have to offer?

Alex Bayer grew up in Southern California in the city of Palos Verdes.  After graduating college, he jumped right into the insurance world, knocking on doors across Los Angeles to sell them group insurance coverage.  While working long hours and being on the road driving, Alex relied on home-made smoothies to help get him through the day with clean functional ingredients.  After leaving insurance, Alex discovered a ‘Genius’ idea from a friend who showed him a smoothie that simply blended coconut water and coconut meat together, and from there Genius was born.  The Genius coconut smoothie combines only two base ingredients and in all its simplicity, is extremely clean, healthy, creamy, and filling.  No wonder ‘It’s Pure Genius!’

Knowing your value is key to growing your business. Once you know your worth, how you can help your clients and investors, you’re able to say YES to ideal clients, and help them grow!

How can you show clients your value? In THIS BLOG POST, I’m sharing some tips and tricks on how to show clients, both past and present, your worth like a pro!

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Alex Bayer.
  • Alex shares how Genius Juice came into existence.
  • When he was first starting, he had an investor who was going to invest $150,000, but this investor eventually said NO!
  • Alex had to choose to look at this with abundance, knowing that his next opportunity would be coming along.
  • Choosing abundance meant that Alex realized that this investor would not be his only potential investor: he had to go connect with others! The right investor was out there.
  • “There’s a lot of people out there that could invest, that find value in our product and our brand and believe in me.” ~ Alex Bayer
  • When the investor said NO, Alex got up, and started from scratch, looking for another investor.
  • There are three people you should pitch: family, friends, and fools. Alex does say that anyone who invests in him isn’t a fool, however.
  • “At the end of the day, people invest in people.” ~ Alex Bayer
  • Sometimes your investors will feel like fools, because they don’t know where your business is going. Make sure you educate them!
  • Alex shares that he doesn’t ask for the sale: he focuses on providing value, so the sale happens naturally, and potential investors and clients are more likely to say YES!
  • People like to believe in what you’re doing, and often want to invest in you, but they like not having pressure.
  • Presenting no-pressure opportunities is a key to closing a sale.
  • “Most savvy investors are results driven.” ~ Alex Bayer
  • Make sure that you are prepared to show that you’re not just talking: that you can execute! In order to bring on investors, you have to be able to show them that you can execute.
  • Case studies can show investors what you’re capable of: they can show growth, sales numbers, and the results that show them you are worth saying YES to.
  • If you have a product, and get it into stores, don’t just drop off inventory and come back later to pick up a paycheck. Show value to the store! Do demos, and help bring people in. Be a true partner.
  • Have perseverance when a plan falls through. Sitting and sulking won’t get you anywhere: there is a time and place for sulking, but it won’t move you forward.
  • When a client or investor says NO, that means it wasn’t the right opportunity. Move on, and find the next person.
  • Alex shares what he would tell his younger self.

Connect with Alex Bayer:

Check out the Invisible Gorilla video referenced in the episode here.

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Knowing your worth is important – but how can you show your value without just talking about yourself? In THIS BLOG POST, I’m going to share with you some of the best ways to share your value. Sometimes, you won’t even have to say a word!

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