Success Unfiltered Podcast

Episode 015 | Anthony Trucks Shows Us How Taking BIG Risks Can Help Grow Your Business

From foster care to the NFL and eventually successful entrepreneur, Anthony Trucks has created a life and business that many would think impossible if they had only heard of where he began. He’s the founder of Trust Your Hustle which is a message and a method that helps people change their lives and businesses.

When was the last time you took a BIG risk in your business? If you’re ready to take one now, this BLOG POST will help! 

If you want some extra support on taking big action, grab a copy of my self-confidence manifesto: “Believing In Yourself For REAL This Time” right HERE.

Here are a few things we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Anthony Trucks.
  • Anthony tells the story of the pinnacle NO in his career. He shares details he’s never told another audience before.
  • Anthony shares the big risk he took so that he could pay his landlord the back money owed in just over 3 weeks.
  • There comes a point when you need to set your ego aside.
  • Stop wasting time dwelling on rejection– Spend 5% dwelling and 95% taking action to overcome it.
  • Anthony shares the story of how he earned a partnership with PG&E.
  • They rejected him, but he took that NO and worked hard to determine the why behind the NO.
  • In 12 months Anthony was able to go from $20 to his name to $405K!
  • Anthony tells a great story about running a business event and how he had to put himself and his story out there in order to pay for parts of the event.
  • Anthony talks about the business partnership he has built with Brendon Burchard.
  • You have to take risks to grow!
  • Anthony talks about a few of the opportunities he’s had to turn away because they didn’t align with his values.
  • Rejection and NO’s are the dirt on top of a buried treasure.
  • Anthony shares what he’d tell his younger self.

Connect with Anthony:

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P.S. Ready to take the BIG risks that are catapult your business forward? CLICK HERE to learn how!

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