Success Unfiltered Podcast

Pamela Slim Shares Why Rejection is Your Path to Success | Episode 082

Pamela Slim is an award-winning author, speaker and small business coach. She spent the first 10 years of her business as a consultant to large corporations such as Hewlett-Packard, Charles Schwab and Cisco Systems. In 2005, she started the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog, which led to coaching thousands of entrepreneurs, from martial art studios to software startups. Pam opened the Main Street Learning Lab in Mesa, Arizona in 2016, where she generates research and insight for small businesses, and companies and organizations who serve them.

Are you ready to stop taking the big NO’s from prospects so personally? In THIS BLOG POST, I’m sharing why it’s so important to start racking up the NO’s instead of shying away from them.  

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Pamela Slim.
  • Pamela shares who she is and what she does.
  • The first big NO that Pamela experienced really deflated her confidence. She had left her 9 to 5 and gone to work as a consulted for her former boss, but this positive experience led to her first big NO.
  • Pamela used this experience to realize that she wanted to learn more and do better.
  • “You must be very honest with yourself about where some of the areas of true shortcomings are.” ~ Pamela Slim
  • Pamela attributes her change in outlook of failures to her circle of mentors.
  • There are always ways to learn more and do better in future pitches. Pamela shares three things she learned after her first failed pitch.
  • Pamela’s most devastating NO happened recently in regards to a new book she is trying to write. She shares the full story in this episode.
  • Even after being initially turned down by her book publisher for her third book, Pamela has dedicated herself to learning more about her clients and people so that she can add to the book.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Pamela is hiring a friend who is going to help her write a killer proposal for when she goes to re-pitch the book.
  • Pamela’s most accomplished NO occurred when she had pitched her first book to the book publisher. They believed it to be too “pedestrian.” Pamela shares the full story and how she turned it around, in this episode!
  • Focusing on her craft is one way that Pamela ensures she overcomes every NO she receives.
  • Pamela shares a story of when she was brought in as a consultant and realized after the initial work that she wasn’t the best fit for the job.
  • “You are not serving somebody if you know that you are unable to deliver what they want.” ~ Pamela Slim
  • Pamela shares what she would tell her younger self.

Connect with Pamela Slim:

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P.S. It’s time to stop being afraid to fail! Start taking the time to rack up every possible NO you can! In THIS BLOG POST, I’m sharing how I’ve done that and how you can too.  

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