Success Unfiltered Podcast

Coffee is For Closers: Sales Training Videos

Episode 39 Live Show: Stop Talking Yourself Out of Sales

Episode 39 Live Show: Stop Talking Yourself Out of Sales

I had a major realization about FEAR in sales the other day, and was an eye-opening a-ha moment for me. What happened? I saw the most common of entrepreneurial fears in a whole new way... Last week, I was teaching at a live event and sharing the finer points of The...

Episode 38 Live Show: When Not To Qualify Leads

Episode 38 Live Show: When Not To Qualify Leads

Here’s something that may (or may not) shock you. Ready? Not all leads should become clients. Just because there’s interest doesn’t mean someone is right for you. And with some prospects, you just KNOW from the jump that they’re not a fit. You might remember a pair of...

Episode 37 Live Show: Qualifying Leads with Donald Kelly

Episode 37 Live Show: Qualifying Leads with Donald Kelly

My friend and colleague Donald C. Kelly had a moment a while back where he was SURE that a deal was in the bag. The prospect had a need. Donald’s company had the solution. He knew that the client had the money, and that they were more than ready to sign on the dotted...

Episode 36 Live Show: Your Tutorial on Qualifying Leads

Episode 36 Live Show: Your Tutorial on Qualifying Leads

It happens to the best of us. That prospect you’re on the phone with has ALL the warning signs. Your gut is telling you to get off the call NOW before you get in over your head. But instead of graciously backing out, you make that client an offer. I was talking to a...

Episode 35 Live Show: Pre-Qualify Leads with Shameca Tankerson

Episode 35 Live Show: Pre-Qualify Leads with Shameca Tankerson

We all want more leads, more prospects, and more sales. But just because someone shows a little interest in working with you does NOT necessarily mean they’re the client from heaven. This is something that I found out the hard way. Not all leads make good prospects....

Sales Blog

4 Signs That You SHOULDN’T Follow Up With A Prospect

4 Signs That You SHOULDN’T Follow Up With A Prospect

If you’ve been hanging out with me for a while, you also know that I’m ALL about the follow-up. After all, it’s no secret that even with ideal clients, sometimes it takes up to 5 conversations to get the green light on a sale. I’m also all about qualifying leads....

Show YOUR Value: The Missing Piece To Qualifying Leads

Show YOUR Value: The Missing Piece To Qualifying Leads

One of the most important aspects of selling is being able to show your value in a way that your prospect understands. You want to be sure that you not only invite in the clients who are right for you, but also your offer serves THEM in the best possible way. Here's a...

How to Avoid The WRONG Clients By Asking the RIGHT Questions

How to Avoid The WRONG Clients By Asking the RIGHT Questions

Do you know the right questions to ask to find your ideal clients? I bet you LOVE how inspiring it feels when your clients get the results they want. They’ve achieved what they never thought they could, and you’ve helped them work miracles. They have what they’ve...

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