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Podcast Guest Blog Posts
How Taking a Business Risk Can Lead to Massive Sales Increases
Are you all-in with your business? When you are all-in, you’re willing to take a business risk because you know that those risks are how you’re going to grow your business! You won’t see success without taking chances! When I was with FITzee Foods, I took a lot of...
You’re Not Playing Small; You’re Being Strategic!
Do you ever wonder if your business is playing small?l There are a few indicators that will tell you if you’ve hit the right size: You’re responsive to your client needs. You’re saying YES only to your ideal clients. You don’t feel overextended. The quest to avoid...
Asking for Reviews from Clients Can Skyrocket Your Sales
Do you sell online? If so, then asking for reviews are an essential component of your online sales strategy. I love sites like Yelp - whenever I am going to make a purchase, I like to take a look and see what others have had to say: whether it be a restaurant,...
Blog Posts
Are All Sales Manipulative? The Difference Between Manipulation and Persuasion in Sales
Let’s address the elephant in the room…the feeling of manipulation and persuasion in sales. Not all sales are manipulative. In fact, if you come from a place of authenticity, your ability to have powerful sales conversations can actually serve your prospects. With...
How the 6 Principles of Persuasion Can Help 10x Your Sales
Did you know that the principles of persuasion are trying to influence you in some way, all the time? You may not even realize it, but it’s happening. Before we start talking about how to persuade and influence we should probably mention the godfather of the 6...
7 NEW Commandments of Networking: How To Rock Your Next “Coopportunity Event” Without Pressure, Stress, or Selling!
Nobody likes networking. There, I said it (again). I talk a lot about building a rock-solid network, but that’s for a reason--it really is that big of a deal. The stronger your business relationships are, the more impact your business will create. It's that simple....

Learn how to sell WITHOUT sleaze!
Get my 5-Step System to boost your confidence, grow sales relationships with ease, and take the stress out of selling for GOOD!