Success Unfiltered Podcast

3 Ways to Show Your Value

the missing piece in qualifying clients (and closing more deals!)

*You will also receive weekly emails with updates about my podcast episodes and blogs.

Here’s a truth that you probably won’t hear anywhere else:

VALUE is in the eye of the beholder.

When it comes to bringing value to the table, it’s about what the CLIENT sees. It’s based on what THEY want.

Yes, you bring a lot to the table just as you are now.

But the key is finding out what your prospect is looking for, then showing what YOU are all about.

 Showing your value is often the forgotten missing piece in sales.

If you have a process by which you demonstrate your value step-by-step, you’ve done your part. The rest is up to your client.

But the more clear you can be on what you offer, the easier it will be for the client to know if the two of you are destined for a beautiful relationship, or better off as “just friends.”

I’ve created a checklist to help you with this part of the qualifying process that a lot of us miss!

Enter your info below for my download that will help you use this often overlooked qualifying tool: “3 Ways to Show your Value: The Missing Piece in Qualifying Clients (And Closing More Deals!)

*You will also receive weekly emails with updates about my podcast episodes and blogs.



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